by Julie Cantrell BSc | Oct 5, 2021 | Bach Flower Profiles
The Bach flower remedy, Mimulus, is a popular and effective courage and confidence booster for animals and people. Shy, sensitive dogs, as well as dogs with specific fears and phobias, are perfect candidates for the balancing effects of Mimulus. If you’re reading...
by Julie Cantrell BSc | Sep 29, 2021 | General Flower Essence Info
Love flower essences but not sure how to give them to animals in a way they’ll accept? It may surprise you to learn there are a variety of effective options for giving flower essences to dogs, cats, horses, and other animals. Flower essences are essentially an...
by Julie Cantrell BSc | Sep 23, 2021 | General Flower Essence Info
By themselves, flower essences are an amazing tool for dog behavior improvement. With these time-tested tips for success, you can get even better results. Flower essences are an amazing tool for dog behavior improvement. While they work well by themselves, I have...
by Julie Cantrell BSc | Sep 22, 2021 | General Flower Essence Info, Selection Guides: People
Reactive remedies are flower essences that can trigger an emotional “cleanse†of sorts in the beginning stages of flower essence therapy. It’s a process that’s comparable to an aggravation in homeopathy or a healing crisis in naturopathy, except that in this...