Bach Flower Essence Selection Guides: Dogs
Flower essences can help with a wide variety of dog behavior problems and issues. Browse our articles below to find Bach flower essence selection guides for many common situations and canine behavior challenges.
Why You Shouldn’t Dismiss These 3 Flower Essences For Dogs
Although flower essences can be of tremendous help in improving dog behavior, pet owners may be more resistant to trying certain essences than others. In this article, I'll discuss 3 very helpful Bach flower remedies that can be a challenge to get some dog parents to...
Top 5 Flower Essences For Reactivity in Dogs
In this post, I’m sharing my top five picks for Bach Flower Essences to help with on-leash dog behavior like barking, lunging, over-arousal and agitation.If you’ve lived or worked with a reactive dog, you know what a daunting process training can be. Sometimes it...
Supporting the Noise Sensitive Dog: Natural, Holistic Methods
Fear of thunder, fireworks and gunshots is a common behavior complaint in dogs, but there is no "one size fits all" solution for solving it. Many dogs will respond well to a single natural calming remedy, but many will require either additional aids or a different...
When Your Dog Hates the Car: Tips, Training, Remedies
What's a road trip without the dog along? Sadly, many dogs do not handle travel as well as they could. Get tips, training advice, and natural remedies to help banish your dog’s travel anxiety for good.If you’ve had a dog with car sickness or travel anxiety, you...
Adolescent Dog Behavior | Bach Flower Remedy Guide
The stage between puppy and mature adult dog can be long and difficult, full of dramatic changes and challenges. In this article, we’ll look at the most common problems and difficulties faced with adolescent (“teenageâ€) dogs, tips for stabilizing your dog’s...
​How to Select Bach Flower Remedies for Dogs
Dog aggression, anxiety, reactivity - many common dog behavior problems respond beautifully to Bach flower remedies. But successful treatment depends on choosing the correct remedies for your dog’s emotional state. Learn how to select the best Bach flower essences...
Flower Essences to Calm High Energy, Excitable, Hyper Dogs
Calming high-energy, excitable, rowdy dogs can be a challenge. Fortunately, many respond quite well to the balancing action of flower remedies. Discover which Bach flower essences work best to improve calm and control in hyper, high-strung dogs, and find practical...
When Your Dogs Don’t Get Along: A Bach Flower Remedy Guide
If your dogs' sibling rivalry has gotten out of hand; if they fight occasionally - or even hate each other - flower remedies are a natural therapy that can help them get back to getting along better.Natural remedies like flower essences can be very helpful in settling...
Helping Your Dog Adjust: Flower Essences for Change
A dog’s life is a series of changes from start to finish. Can flower essences smooth the way and help your dog adapt? Learn how this holistic therapy can help dogs adjust and deal with life’s transitions smoothly and confidently.For animals as much as people,...
Bach Flower Essences for Canine Socialization and Sociability
Can Bach flower essences help your puppy's socialization and sociability? You bet! Bach flower essences are a gentle, natural tool for balancing emotional extremes. They're a great way to help improve many common but less-than-ideal emotional reactions pups can...
Bach Flowers and the Emotions of Separation Anxiety in Dogs
When treating a complicated issue like Canine Separation Anxiety, natural therapies like flower remedies can offer fresh hope. Learn which Bach flower remedies reduce anxiety, over-attachment, and panic, help level out your dog’s emotions, and reduce the symptoms of...
Enhance Your Dog’s Senior Years with Bach Flower Remedies
Canine or human, aging takes its toll. Energy wanes, responses slow down, and little aches and pains accumulate. Even without the additional burden of age-related illness, changes in behavior, attitude, and resilience can appear as our dogs progress into their senior...