by Julie Cantrell BSc | Jun 14, 2021 | Success Stories
Emma is a 14 year old Silky Terrier that developed severe thunder phobia as an older dog. Emma’s mom, Madeleine, prefers to use natural alternatives to drugs whenever possible, and came upon our Very Scary Things Bach flower formula for fears and phobias in...
by Julie Cantrell BSc | Jun 14, 2021 | Success Stories
Marvin is a sweet, shy Boxer mix that missed out on some early socialization. Add some scary experiences and onset of adolescence, and what showed up? Strong fear-based reactivity and territorial aggression. Marvin’s bad behaviors were all emotion-driven, and so...
by Julie Cantrell BSc | Jun 14, 2021 | Success Stories
Intense, extraordinarily smart, but unsocialized and reactive – what a combination! Stryder, a purebred Malinois rescued from the streets as a puppy, was quite a challenge for owner Ellen. But never fear! This is a story with a very happy ending. Meet Stryder! A...
by Julie Cantrell BSc | Jun 14, 2021 | Success Stories
Intelligent, high-energy, quick-thinking dogs are a dream to train, but when stress and anxiety push them over the edge, they can challenge the most experienced dog trainer. Learn how flower essences helped turn one “reactive aggressive” dog around. Meet...
by Julie Cantrell BSc | Jun 14, 2021 | Success Stories
Owen is a Beagle, somewhere between 7 and 9 years old, loved and cared for by Janet Eyler of Texas (by way of Pennsylvania). Owen had – to put it mildly – a bit of a rocky start in life, and takes Aldaron Essences’ Very Scary Things formula for...